Welcome to Our

Family Tree

Included in the tree are the Betty, Donald, Green, Styer and more.

If you have information or questions, 

Wayne Betty 

to trace by surname  to trace by persons

We use Family Tree Maker and GED2HTML software.

Click on the following image(s) to see a full size image.

The Green family

1982 Gathering

2008 Gathering

2010 Gathering

2023 Aunt Jane


The Green Family Tree in Adobe PDF form

You know the World Record Holder DH Betty! Guiness: Book of World Records: listed under General Records: Suspension Bridge Walking. 'Donald H. Betty of Lancaster, PA has walked 176 suspension bridges, including the 28 of the 30 longest in the world'

See him in the 1998 book of records and on CD

Also in the Book "Bridges A history of the world's most famous and important spans" by Judith Dupre


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Friday, November 10, 2023 02:13:18 PM