the Upper Level and back to No. 5 Yard Track or Powelton Avenue Yard after discharging passengers.

     In preparing for the closing of Broad Street Station and providing facilities at Pennsylvania Station-30th Street, Suburban Station and Pennsylvania Coach Yard, the Pennsylvania Railroad has spent, suring the past several years, many millions fo dollars in progressing changes - in the way of additional platforms and tracks in the Station; escalators; Coach Yard changes; Interlocking Plant; electrification of tracks; new storehorse at 32nd Street; additional mail handling facilities; new passenger engine terminal; new employes' welfare facilities at the Suburban Station and Pennsylvania Station-30th Street; and many other things that are required in a large and modern passenger terminal such as is being provided at Pennsylvania Station-30th Street.

     The city has likewise been spending many millions of dollars on its subway system that will tie in with our Station at 30th Street.

     These changes have been going on and the money actually spent - but because so much of the work is underground or under buildings, it has been unnoticed by many.

     The new Pennsylvania Greyhound Bus Terminal will be located on the north side of our Pennsylvania Station-30th Street for the convenience of train-bus passengers.

     It is anticipated that all tenants and concessions will vacate old Broad Street Building by April 27, which will make it possible to begin razing that famous old landmark.  The removal of the "Chinese Wall" can likewise begin westwardly from Broad Street Station to 17th Street at about the same time they begin tearing down Broad Street Station - and later it will be removed to the river.  The timing of the demolition west of 17th Street will conform to the plans of the City and the State for completing the bridge over the Schuylkill River, which when finished, will make possible the opening of Pennsylvania Boulevard all the way from City Hall to 30th Street - providing an additional large capacity artery for vehicular traffic to and from the heart of the City.

     Effective April 28, 1952, the names of our principal passenger stations at Philadelphia will be officially designated as:


                            1. Suburban Station

                            2. Pennsylvania Station-30th Street

                            3. North Philadelphia

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