*** from "Pennsylvania Railroad Classification and Description of Locomotives and Tenders June 2, 1952 (Superseding Classification and Description of Locomotives and Tenders No 109-J, Dated May 15th, 1948)" ***
Class 55 S 66a, formerly 5500 gallons sloping, 66" deck. Channel Frame - Lines East. Also 5A Lines West.
Class 55 S 66b, formerly 5500 gallons slopping 66" deck. H-Beam - Lines East
Class 55 S 66d, formerly class 3A - Lines West - Straight Tender.
Class 60 S 66, formerly 6000 gallons sloping, 66" deck. Channel Frame - Lines East
Class 60 S 66a, formerly 6000 gallons sloping, 66" deck. H-Beam Frame - Lines East
Class 70 P 58e, formerly 3B1, 3B2 - Lines West - Channel Frame.
Class 70 P 58f, 45 degree Slope Sheet.
Class 70 F 66a, formerly 7000 gallons, 66" deck. 14' 8" T.C. Channel Frame - Lines East.
Class 70 F 66b, formerly 7000 gallons, 66" deck, 17' 8" T.C. Channel Frame - Lines East.
Class 70 F 66c, converted from 70 P 66. 45 degree Slope Sheet and curved top for C1 Loco's.
Class 70 F 66e, formerly 3C1, 3C2 - Lines West - Channel Frame.
Class 70 F 66g, formerly 7000 gallons, 66" deck. 14' 8" T.C. Channel Frame - Lines East.
Class 70 P 66, formerly 7000 gallons, 66" deck. 17' 8" T.C. Channel Frame - Lines East.
Class 70 P 66a, formerly 7000 gallons, 66" deck. 17' 8" T.C. H-Beam Frame - Lines East.
Class 70 P 66c, formerly 3C1, 3C2 - Lines West - Channel Frame.
Class 70 P 66e, formerly 7000 gallons, 66" deck. 14' 8" T.C. Channel Frame - Lines East.
Class 70 P 66f, 45 degree Slope Sheet.
Class 70 S 66, converted for switching service with "C1" Locomotives. Straight Tenders.
Class 70 S 66, converted form 70 P 70a.
Class 70 F 70, formerly 7000 gallons, 70" deck. 14' 8" T.C. Channel Frame - Lines East
Class 70 F 70a, formerly 7000 gallons, 70" deck. 14' 8" T.C. Channel Frame - Lines East
Class 70 F 70b, formerly 7000 gallons, 70" deck. 14' 8" T.C. H-Beam Frame - Lines East
Class 70 F 70c, fromerly 3D - Lines West.
Class 70 F 70e, 45 degree Slope Sheet.
Class 70 P 70, formerly 7000 gallons, 70" deck. 14' 8" T.C. Channel Frame - Lines East
Class 70 P 70a, formerly 7000 gallons, 70" deck. 14' 8" T.C. Channel Frame - Lines East
Class 70 P 70b, formerly 7000 gallons, 70" deck. 14' 8" T.C. H-Beam Frame - Lines East
Class 70 P 70c, fromerly 3D - Lines West.
Class 70 P 70d, 45 degree Slope Sheet.
Class 70 P 70e, Converted from (70 P 70) - 45 degree Slope Sheet - H9s Loco's
Class 70 F 77, formerly 6A - Lines West
Class 70 F 77a, formerly H9sc - Vandalia
Class 70 F 77a, formerly 6A - Lines West
Class 70 P 78, formerly 7A - Lines West.
Class 70 F 81, formerly 70 P 70d Modified (H10s Loco's)
Class 70 P 82, formerly 7000 gallons, 82 1/4" deck. 17' 8" T.C. - Lines East.
Class 70 P 82a, 45 degree Slope Sheet.
Class 75 F 70a, formerly 7500 gallons - Vandalia
Class 80 S 65, formerly 8A, U.S. Standard - Straight Tender. ( B28s Loco ).
Class 80 F 81, formerly (7B, Fort Wayne) - Lines West.
Class 80 P 81, formerly (7B, Fort Wayne) - Lines West.
Class 80 P 81a, Stoker. ("H.T." and Berkley). H10s Loco.
Class 80 F 81, 45 degree Slope Sheet. (Curved Top). H10s Loco (Increased Coal Capacity).
Class 80 P 81, 45 degree Slope Sheet. (Curved Top). H10s Loco (Increased Coal Capacity).
Class 90 F 66, formerly 9000 gallons, 66" deck - Lines East.
Class 90 P 66, Converted from 90 P 84 (for E6s). 45 degree Slope Sheet.
Class 90 F 70, formerly 90 F 82 Modified (H9s Loco's).
Class 90 P 75, formerly 90 P 70, 90 P 84 equipped with Stoker. (K4s Loco's)
Class 90 F 75, formerly 9000 gallons, with Stoker. (Converted from 90 F 66 or 90 F 82) L1s Loco's. (After 4-1-1941)
Class 90 F 75a, formrly 90 F 82 Modified. (Stoker)
Class 90 F 80, formerly 7D - Lines West.
Class 90 F 81, (Converted from 90 F 82) H10s with Stoker.
Class 90 F 81a, (Converted from 90 F 75) H10s with Stoker.
Class 90 F 82, formerly 9000 gallons, 82 1/4" deck. Lines East.
Class 90 F 82a, formerly 90 F 82 (Slope Sheet and Bracing modified).
Class 110 P 75,
Class 110 P 75a,
Class 12 F 78, formely 8B, U.S. Standard. (N2sa Loco's).
Class 130 P 75, formerly 130 P 70 or 130 F 82a.
Class 130 F 82, formerly 13000 gallons, 82 1/4" deck - Lines East. No. 3700. (I1sa Loco).
Class 180 P 76, Nos. 6110 and 6111. (Stoker engine on tender). T1 - Loco.
Class 180 F 82, No 6000. (Converted from 180 P 75) I1sa - Loco (Narrow cast steeel frame).
Class 180 F 82a, Converted from 080 F 79 for I1s, I1sa (Berkley Stoker) Nos. 373, 374, 375, 377 and 378 (N. and W. Tenders)
Class 180 F 84, (Stoker engine on tender). Q2 - Loco's.
Class 180 P 84, (Stoker engine on tender). T1 - Loco's.
Class 210 F 75, Experimental No 7865 (M1 Loco).
Class 210 F 75, with 33' 7" truck centers Nos 7571 to 7579 incl. M1, M1a - Loco.
Class 210 F 75, with 32' 1" truck centers (Standard design). Nos. 6695 to 6699, 6700 to 6799 and 7580 to 7582 all incl. M1, M1a - Loco
Class 210 F 75a, welded tank. (Stoker on tender). M1, M1a - Loco.
Class 210 F 75b, "Lt" Stoker. M1 - Loco.
Class 210 F 82, Experimental Nos. 7866, 7867 (I1sa Loco) (No. 7866 Berkley Stoker formerly 210 F 78).
Class 210 F 82a, I1sa, ("L.T.", Berkley, Duplex and "HT" Stokers).
Class 210 F 82b, I1sa, (Convrted from 210 F 75a). Berkly Stoker.
Class 210 F 84. J1, J1a, (Stoker engine on tender).
Class 250 P 75, M1, M1a, (Mod B or HT-Stoker).
Class 250 F 82, I1sa, (Converted from 250 P 84, #6100) Berkley Stoker.
Class 250 F 82a, I1sa, (Converted from 250 P 75) Duplex Stoker or Berkley Stoker.
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